Barbara Hack’s work is an ongoing reflection on people and their emotions. Working predominantly in painting mediums, Barbara relishes the challenge of realistic portraiture, and her subject matter reflects her love for figurative work. But she pushes beyond realism, as well, in her desire to capture resonant moments in time. Her work pursues figures from the past with their moods and their contexts. Ephemeral figures are momentary presences that are nonetheless powerful enough to make lasting, even shaping, impressions. Barbara attempts to understand these figures and their ephemerality and to share that understanding with others.
Barbara received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in drawing and painting after intensive study in Europe and additional training in New York. Since then, she has continued to harness her artistic talents to drive her professional career. Work in portraiture, fashion illustration, and as a courtroom artist have all allowed Barbara to challenge herself with alternative contexts for figurative artistry, and in a variety of mediums, including graphite, pan pastels, and oils.
BFA Painting and Drawing, Aquinas College
Summer Providence-in-Europe Program
FIT Winter Program, Fashion Illustration
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.