O’Neil Scott is a Philadelphia, PA based artist. Influenced early on by his Uncle and Grandfather, each of whom pursued creative careers, he took to drawing as a child and spent much of his youth filling the pages of empty notebooks with images of individuals, both fictional and real. In college he hoped to study art but been awarded a football scholarship from Syracuse University and therefore had to prioritize activities. This meant after completing foundation art requirements he had to drop studio classes. Even with his major switching to Information Technology and getting an MBA he never lost his passion for art. Rather, it remains a vehicle that he continues to utilize as a means to give a voice to his innermost concerns.
Inspired by old masters and contemporary realist, he has always been captivated by portraiture and its capacity to impart the complexities that comprise the human condition. He had his second solo show in 2018 and has been in numerous publications including Poets and Artist’s Magazine and Southwest Artist Magazine. His work is in private collections across the United States and Internationally.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.