Faripour Forouhar

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Faripour Forouhar

United States

View ARC Gallery

Faripour Forouhar (L.A.) ARC is an established American contemporary painter of highest standards who pursues the art of painting with passion beyond avocation.

His home is in New England but he grew up in mountains of Middle Asia. He travels to Rockies, Alps, Andes and the New England shoreline yearly for painting and backcountry skiing. The School of Fine arts of Tehran University and professor Seyhoun's teachings played an important role in his early development. Later, in US, he studied with the late Edgar Whitney from Pratt, NYC, completed courses in The Grand Central Academy of Fine Art, NYC and took workshops. He shares experience with other painters regularly. He is a scholar in the field of art and visual perception and has designed conducted courses in the University of Connecticut School of Medicine on this subject. He has a deep interest in the evolution of painting throughout history. 

He started as a watercolorist painting plein air, ala prima. He has moved to oil on canvas with a style influenced by watercolor, sensitive to subtle light, atmospheric and spacial effect of the landscape. The resulting effect infuses the abstract composition and reveals the painter's character, vision and artistic creativity.

In his ARTIST'S STATEMENT he says; " The abstraction and distortion that is possible in painting makes it uniquely suitable for expression of the conscious and unconscious experience in a manner far truer and more intriguing than an accurate recording; done for example, by a camera. The more subjective the experience the more unique the expression. This principle applies to all forms of painting: figurative, imaginative and abstract. The challenge is in conscious understanding of the visual elements that effectuate the subjective experience, the "know yourself" - the artist's vision - that matters most and the skill to lay it down on canvas with clarity. This is what I am trying to do." This is very much in line with the view expressed by Cennino Cennini that “painting calls for imagination and skill of hand in order to discover things not seen, hiding themselves under the shadow of natural objects, and to fix them with the hand, presenting to plain sight what does not actually exist,” the modern formulation of this point of view as stated by Hellmut Wohl is that the artist should not be concerned with imitation but with creation, not with perception but with vision, not with truth of fact but with the truth of feeling and intuition, He should not aim at representation but at evocation, He should, in short, be a seer. 

His recent work more simplified and truer to the essence of what was experinced, more than ever, reflects this view.

Exhibitions Demonstrations and Workshops: 

Art and Visual Perception, Course Director, University of Connecticut School of Medicine - "Art and Medicine" . 2016, 2017, 2018

He is an exhibiting artist of the New Britain Museum of American Art, Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts, elected exhibiting artist of Rockport Art Association, Lyme Art Association, North shore Art Association, Oil Painters of America, Art Renewal Center, Beaux-Arts Realist , Canada; Gallery on the Green and Art League of New Britain.

He participates in about a dozen juried as well as solo exhibitions and gives demonstrations and conduct workshops annually in various art organizations and galleries in New England and nationally. Recently, he has created a special course "Art and Visual Perception" in relation to Art and Medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine;

Few of the latest exhibitions include; 
Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts.
New Britain Museum of American Art, 
Lyme Art Association
Art Renewal Center 2013, 2015 and 2016 Salon Exhibition, 
Oil Painters of America, 
Rockport Art Association
Northshore Art Association
Lyme Art Association
The Gallery at the Mill House, Chester, CT; 
Rockport Art Association, 
North Shore Art Association,
The University of Connecticut.
Art League of New Britain
Gallery on the Green

His award winning paintings are sought after and are in many public and private collections in US and Europe. 


Memorial Medal; RAA Helen Van Wyk, 2017-2018

Collinsville Savings Society Award of Excellence, 50th Open Juried Exhibition, 2017, Gallery on the Green.

Aardvark Art Studio, Award of Excellence, Art League of New Britain 2017 Annual Juried Exhibition.

Helen Van Wy Memorial Medal and Award for excellence in Landscape painting. Rockport Art Museum and Association, 2017.

Finalist Art Renewal Center Annual Salon Exhibition 2016/2917

People's Choice Award, 95th Annual Elected Artist Exhibition 2016, Lyme Art Association.

3rdPlace, 25th Annual Members Carriage House Juried Exhibition, Art League of New Britain 2015

Mitchell Manchester Memorial Prize, 48th Annual open Jurried Exhibition, Gallery on the Green, 2015

Finalist 2015 International Salon Exhibition, ARC.

1st Place, Seeing Red, 24th Annual Exhibtion ,Art League of New Britain,2014

Aldro Hibbard Memorial Award from North Shore Art Association 

Honorable mention, Lyme Art Association, 

Most Popular painting vote, Farmington Valley Art Center

Finalist, Art Renewal Center 2013, 2015 & 2016 Salon Exhibition. 

Kiran Meritorious Award in Landscape Painting, Rockport Art Association, 

Recognition; Beaux-Arts Re'aliste, Canada for 5 paintings, 2014. 

The Maxwell Shepherd Memorial Art Fund Award, Gallery of Green, The League of Canton Artists, 2014.

Bold Bursh Jury's favorit (FAV 15%) Award, August 2015

Honors :
Course Director, University of Connecticut School of Medicine " Art and Visual Perception".
- "Living Artist" "A.R.C.L.A." in the Art Renewal Center Organization and was included in ARC Living Artists Gallery, Dec 2013.
-Elected Artist, Rockport Art Association
-Elected Artist, Lyme Art Association

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.