Tanya Isaacson

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Tanya Isaacson

United States

Born in Connecticut, I moved to Boston, MA in the early 80’s to attend Massachusetts College of Art, where I received a BFA in Illustration, and began my career as a freelance editorial Illustrator for various magazines and publications. Within two years, this traditional career took an unusual turn and I entered a new world of illustration in technology, digital graphics and animation, pioneering a very new field of digital arts and computer gaming graphics. It is in this corporate world of digital design and new media that I built a career and gained recognition for numerous artistic contributions.   

My highly representational style of work aided in establishing an industry standard for digital gaming graphics. During those years, my artistic sensibilities for technique, palette and ability developed due to the thousands of digital illustrations created on assignments. After nearly three decades however, I made the decision to go back to what had always been my passion for creating fine art, particularly painting. Since making that decision, I have devoted myself to painting, and enjoy exploring subject matter with a particular affinity for figurative and portrait work in a contemporary realist fashion.

Since my decision to pursue this passion, I’ve had the privilege of exhibiting and gaining recognition through submission calls and juried shows, in various galleries, publications and shows. Notably and most recently, my piece “Roots and Wings” was awarded the “Outstanding Figurative Award” for the American Women Artists 2018 Spring Online Juried Show of almost 1000 entries. The piece, “She has a name and it is Defiance.”, also received the American Artist Professional League Award” at The Salmagundi Club in NYC, Non-Member Juried Exhibition 2017 (juror Max Ginsberg). Other recent achievements include exhibition in the RJD Gallery’s, “Women Painting Women: A Voice with Vision, 2017, The Guild of Boston Artists Juried Exhibition 2016 and 2017, Exhibition in the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, NYC Juried Show 2017 as well as a feature in the “Art Market Magazine, Special Edition Gold List: Top 60 Emerging Artists of Today”, April 2017, and other various local galleries and venues.

Currently, I reside in Massachusetts, just outside of Boston with my family where I am actively engaged in multiple painting projects, goals and focusing on my primary painting series. You can find me on social media, please connect or follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/tanyaisaacson_artist and Facebook: www.facebook.com/TanyaIsaacsonFineArt or visit my website at www.tanyaisaacsonfineart.com .

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.