Natalie Italiano

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Natalie Italiano

United States



Natalie Italiano

 Natalie Italiano is a signature member of the Portrait Society of America and a founding member of Philadephia's Studio Incamminati.  A long time student of Nelson Shanks and alumni of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Natalie’s portrait and still life paintings are informed by principles of classical realism and a contemporary understading of color perception. She received a Certificate of Excellence and numerous honorable mentions from the Portrait Society of America and received Best Portrait award for three consecutive years in the Philadelphia Sketch Club’s Small Works exhibition.  International Artist magazine awarded her an honorable mention for still life and featured her in 2013. Natalie exhibits with Studio Incamminati and is represented by Rutledge Street Gallery in Camden, SC. Her recent project “One Hundred Alla Prima Portraits of American Teenagers” includes over a hundred South Jersey teenagers painted from life. In 2017 Natalie curated the exhibit, "Nelson Shanks and His Influence at Stanek Gallery in Philadelhia.  She is a senior instructor at Studio Incamminati in Philadelphia and teaches portrait painting at Repenning Fine Arts in Audubon, NJ. Natalie also teaches summer painting workshops for art educators at Studio Incamminati. She has a teaching certificate from the Moore College of Art and a BA in psychology from Rowan University.


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.