Jason Sacran

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Jason Sacran

United States

Jason Sacran

Born: Nashville, TN, 1980

 Jason Sacran is an artist/painter living in Western Arkansas. He is most known for his outdoor work, and has been invited to many exhibitions and events over the years. Some of Jason’s more recent accomplishments includes Best of Show in the 2017 American Impressionists Society, As well as Best of Show awards in plein air events including 2017 Bucks County Plein Air, 2016 En Plein Air Texas, 2016 Maui Plein Air Invitational, 2015 Plein Air Easton, 2015 Olmsted Plein Air Invitational, 2015 Easels in Frederick and 2014 Door County Plein Air, among others. Jason has also had featured articles with publications such as Southwest Art Magazine, International Artist, Artist Magazine, and PleinAir Magazine. 

Jason States “I am a representational painter, working primarily outdoors. I paint what catches my interest in the moment. This could be almost anything; an orchestration of shapes, color contrast, light and shadow patterns, a mood or atmosphere, a subject I have never tried, or a subject I enjoy, etc. I am drawn to paint places and things that say something about the day and time I live in now. Although my work is not necessarily subject driven, I find myself painting the overlooked and simultaneously familiar aspects of everyday life - scenes we pass by but rarely take the time to fully consider. In the chaos of daily life, I believe we all take the simple and familiar for granted. Sometimes it is these quiet unadorned places that make the most worthy subjects.” 

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.