Alisa Shea is a child of the 70s from Normal (yes, Normal), Illinois. Despite a clear passion and aptitude for fine art, Ms. Shea was persuaded to forego an art education in favor of more practical pursuits. In 2013—two decades, two degrees, and several unrelated jobs later—she decided she could no longer defer her artistic goals, and left an established career in health outcomes research in order to pursue painting full time. Ms. Shea currently works exclusively in watercolor. She lives and works in Northport, New York with her husband, two sons, and one beautiful English bulldog. She has no representation, hoards her work in the closet, and paints at the dining room table surrounded by her husband's stupid records [the sale of which actually makes Ms. Shea's art "career" financially possible, so she guesses they're not that stupid afterall].
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.