Negin Mohseni Nejad (born 1971) in Iran.She has a BFA in painting. During revolution and war in Iran, from childhood until her teenager years, drawing and painting were her everyday meditation.In 2001 she came to United State. She is Living and teaching Art in Maryland now.
Honors and awards
2018, 7th place Portrait Society of America Category Out of the Box for “Reflection”
2017, Finalist of the Portrait Society of America Category Out of the Box for “Cleopatra”
2013, Finalist of the Art Renewal Center International (ARC Salon) composition in Drawing Category for “Shadow”
1999, “Best Award” Chehre Gallery, Tehran,Iran for “First Reflection”
1995, Selected Designer for Iranian Astronomy Magazine (Nojoom) Cover Design
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.