Alexandra Manukyan

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Alexandra Manukyan

United States

Alexandra Manukyan Bio


From an early age, my life has been rich with culture and art. I was born and raised in Armenia,

where my parents enrolled me in after school programs including art school. It was at that young age that my creative spirit was ignited. After art school, I graduated from Fine Art College and

subsequently State Pedagogical University where I majored in Teaching Fine Arts.


Upon immigrating to Los Angeles in 1990, my focus turned towards the fashion industry. After

graduating from fashion school and working in the fashion industry for two decades, I became

proficient in graphic design by stylizing fabrics, designing screen prints, taking courses at UCLA and additional private classes. My graphic design skills gave me the opportunity to branch into the entertainment industry by becoming a freelancer for movie posters for various agencies.


I found the changes in my professional career only helped to enhance the constant in my life of

painting and drawing. In 2012 I left the fashion and entertainment industries and returned my focus to my own fine arts. It was at this time I also began teaching classes in my studio, which I continue to this day. From each experience in my life, I have gained tools to express myself, my passions, and my beliefs through the art you see today.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.