Joseph Bellofatto

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Joseph Bellofatto

United States

Currently resides in Northern Virginia and has lived and worked all his live in and around the greater Washington DC area. Was at first an illustrator but then later turned to doing personal art. Drawing and then paitning has been his number one passion since a very young age. Outside of public school art classes he has no formal training. Has been working full time as an artist for the past twenty years.

Currently a member of Oil Painters of America, International Guild of Realism and the Maryland Federation of Art. Joe has been nominated twice for the Chesley Award, has work in several art annuals, including twice in the ARC salon competition. His work has appeared in a number of art galleries up and down the east coast of the US.

The topics and genres found most in his work are those of Imaginative Realism and influences ranging from various movements of the nineteenth century on through to the golden age of illustration in the twentieth century.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.