Eric Chauvin

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Eric Chauvin

United States

In 1991 I received my masters degree in drawing and painting and since that time have been making my living as a matte painter in the film and television industry.  In 1993 I made the switch from using traditional painting tools to working digitally and as a consequence abandoned two things that were previously very important to me; creating my own personal artwork and working with traditional media. After 22 years, I finally wised up and began painting again. Currently, I am working on a series of acrylic paintings that depict scenes from the ancient city of Constantinople.

I grew up and was educated in Orange County, California but then moved to the San Francisco bay area to work for a visual effects facility called Industrial Light and Magic.  After spending three years there, my wife and I made the decision to move to Skagit County, Washington where we began our family and I continued working as a digital matte painter for my own company, BlackPool Studios, and have remained here ever since.  

I have been truly fortunate to be able to make my living as an artist in a field I have always loved.  But the passion I once had for my professional work has now come full circle to the world of traditional painting.  Looking back, I regret not painting for so many years but I guess some of us need to wander in the wilderness a while before recognizing what is truly important to us.  And now that I have, it’s all I want to do.





* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.