Sofa by Dana Zaltzman

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Dana Zaltzman



120 x 190 cm | 47 x 74 3/4 in

Oil on linen

  • ARC Staff Awards ($100 Cash Award)

I bought this sofa for my new studio. For 3 weeks I was looking in every flee market for the one that would catch my eye.  The moment I found it I knew I had to paint it. For several months before I knew I wanted to paint something like this, I just didn't have a clear image in my mind. It was a bit challenging because of the size of the painting and the position of the sofa in the studio. I painted this painting while my mother was dying. For me, it's the contrast of the soft, embracing, shining cloth on a comfortable sofa against the cold abandoned, crumbling concrete and dry moldering leaves that makes this painting what it is.