Rural Electrification by Joe Paquet

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Joe Paquet

Rural Electrification


60.96 x 76.2 x [*] cm | 24 x 30 in

Oil on mounted linen

  • Honorable Mention / Plein Air Painting

"The Irish Poet John O’Donohue said, 'The graced eye would find beauty where the ungraced eye would never linger.'

Having the graced eye seems like a worthy goal to me. Given the choice, I prefer uncommon beauty—beauty with an edge to it.

This view, painted over three mornings in rural Wisconsin, held a peculiar fascination for me. The clear-cut scar of telephone poles bisecting the hillside created a wonderful foil to the rolling, organic rhythms of the landscape."  – Joe Paquet