The Night Mare by Gerald Brom

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Gerald Brom

The Night Mare


121.92 x 152.4 cm | 48 x 60 in

Oil on canvas

  • First Place ($2,500 Cash Award) / Imaginative Realism

"Since my earliest childhood I have been fascinated by the spirits and forces swirling around us in their hidden realms—the spectral evidence of ancient beings and their rites and deeds both wicked and noble. It was as though they were calling to me and so I have made a life of trying to bring their voices to light. As a child they manifested in ambitious tales crafted in crayon and crude text all stapled together in handmade books. Now, all these years later, they still haunt me, vying for me to reveal them, to bring them out from the shadows for all to see, only now it is through oil paintings and prose, art books and novels, on and on until the day I can no longer hold a brush—a joy, a purpose, a curse." – GERALD BROM