1992 by Tanja Gant

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Tanja Gant



60.96 x 38.1 cm | 24 x 15 in

Colored pencil

  • Best Social Commentary ($250 Cash Award)

"1992 came to life 24 years after the events that inspired it took place. It is in essence a self-portrait for which I used my stepson as a model. My goal was to translate my emotions and my state of mind in ’92, which changed my life in such a radical way that I never could have imagined, onto a piece of paper. The straight jacket represents those emotions of loss, heartbreak, hopelessness, helplessness and anger. I used colored pencils on smooth paper to create the atmosphere of dismay and apprehension keeping the temperature cool but adding a few small areas of warm light showing through the folds in the jacket, which represent hope for what is eventually to come. I worked from light to dark using light layers of pencil. This process helps me stay in control of this fun but unforgiving medium." – TANYA GANT