Midshipman, US Naval Academy by Joshua LaRock

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Joshua LaRock

Midshipman, US Naval Academy


106.68 x 76.2 x [*] cm | 42 x 30 in

Oil on linen

  • Honorable Mention / Portraiture

"Midshipman, US Naval Academy" began as many commissions do with my patron desiring a work which captures the essence of a beloved family member - in this instance, his eldest son.  Yet, as with all good works of art, this painting seemed to take on a life of its own and added up to more than the sum of its parts.  While the subject is an accurate portrait of a young man in his sophomore year at the US Naval Academy, the picture also resonates on a universal level.  Many who have viewed this work comment to me on their sense of his “youthful sight” or that it reminds them of their own loved ones who have served in some form of military.  While my aim is always to create something that is truthful and beautiful it always seems a little beyond my direct control.  The best I find I can do as an artist is remain genuine and present before the subject and my easel, and then offer it up to the world.  I was pleased to find that this portrait has been received well.